Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Stream Video Content From Any Region Using Hola Chrome Extension

This is a post for anyone who has ever tried to stream a video online and got the message that:

This video is not available in your region.

This typically happens if you're trying to stream content from a different country such as Canada, etc.

To easily get around this, just install this simple Chrome extension that I found and you will be able to watch videos in any region.

Hola  is a really nice extension that is exactly what you're looking for. It is free and fast to install. It does require that you have the Chrome browser installed.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Generating Running Process List in PowerShell

In this quick guide, I'll show you how to generate a list of the running processes on a given Windows machine using PowerShell. I'm using Windows 7 in my example.

To run PowerShell, open up the run command and type powershell then hit enter. That will open up the command line for PowerShell commands to be ran.

To generate the list type in the following command:

Type: Get-Process >> ProcessList.txt

A breakdown:

Get-Process = gets the running processes of the machine. You can run this command by itself and it show the list within PowerShell or the command line.

>> = write stream points to where the file will be written. In this example it will write the output to whatever folder location you are currently running PowerShell in.

ProcessList.txt = the name of the file we are generating

You can change ProcessList.txt to whatever name you would like just make just it ends in .txt so you have a text file.

This can be useful if you want to analyze things that are running. You can print it out or save it and check it on another computer if you think you might be dealing with a virus process that is causing a slow down.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Change Command Prompt to Always Run as Administrator

Let's play a quick spot the difference game. Tell me the difference between the two pictures?

Did you see it? The 2nd one is running as admin!

To always run command prompt as administrator (which is needed in a lot of cases), right click on the shortcut to command prompt and choose properties.

Then choose the Advanced tab when the properties window comes up.

Finally, choose the check box for run as administrator. Now when you use that shortcut it will be ran as the administrator!

Turning Off [Disable] File Sync in Windows XP

To accomplish this you will need to be logged into an administrator account.

Open up a My Documents window or any folder so that you have access the explorer menu.

From the menu go to Tools > Folder Options.

Click the Offline Files tab.

Uncheck the box that says "Enable offline files."

File sync is now turned off and you shouldn't see anymore pop-ups for it.

Open Command Window Here in Windows 7

In Windows 7, there is a quick feature to get to the command prompt. Press and hold the shift key and then right-click on a folder or drive within Windows 7 and it will add an option for 'Open command window here' to the right-click menu context.

This is another way of saving time without having to deal with navigating and typing in directory info via the command line.

Sublime Text 3 Color Picker Install Guide

Color Picker is a great tool to add into Sublime Text 3.

How many times do you want to see how a color change would look, but before you can you have to leave your editor? 

Well no more. Head on over and install this color picker for Sublime Text 3:

A great plugin to have that saves lots of time.

Once installed, the Color Picker can be invoked within Sublime Text 3 via:

Microsoft Windows: ctrl + shift + c

Mac OS X: cmd + shift + c

Linux: ctrl + shift + c

From there, you'll be able to make your color choices. 

FTP Sites to Download Drivers Quicker

 The focus of this article is to provide information on
other ways of easily downloading software and driver packages. Many sites are ridden with information that isn't necessary. With this method, we will be look at ftp sites to obtain the same software and drivers at less hassle. For all examples, I will be using Google as my primary search engine to perform the example searches.

An example search for finding these types of sites would be:

ftp:dell drivers

(Note: no spaces between ftp:dell)
This yields results such as:


A fast and efficient way to snag computer hardware drivers.

You could try for software too as in:


An example search would be:


That would yield results like:


Lots of good Adobe software for the grabbing there. A lot of times even paid software can be found using these methods. That way if you happen to lose a CD you can easily find it, install it, put your product key in, and be good to go.

While these sites can be faster, looking through a long list can so things down, so make sure to ctrl+f and search directly on the
page for the computer model or software package you're looking for. 

Be sure to play around with the search terms. Another good one is:

(vendor/brand) index of/

An example search would be:

dell index of/

You might find some interesting/useful things following these methods.

Installing Themes in Sublime Text

One of the quickest ways it install a theme is to place it directly into the necessary folder within your Sublime Text installation. This guide assumes you 1. Already have a theme file (.thTheme) and you know where it's saved to. 2. That you're running a version of Windows.

To install a theme:

1. Right-click and copy or paste the .thTheme file.

2. Go to this folder:  C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\ User

Note: The folder name for Sublime Text may vary by version, but will still be under C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming

3. Paste in the .thTheme file.

4. Restart Sublime Text if it was already opened. 

5. Open Sublime Text. Go to: Preferences -> Color Scheme and chose your recently installed theme.

There you have it. A quick way to install themes without using a package manager.

Sublime Text GOTO Line

   In Sublime Text, there is a nifty keyboard shortcut that will take your cursor to whatever line you want in your source file.

To try/check this out type: ctrl + G 

A little box will appear and you will be able to input which line number in your source file you would like to navigate to.

XBOX 360: Error Code: 416B-0000-3080-0504-8007-0070 Fix

Recently, I had this code show up and had to implement a fix for it. The code is vague and gives a hint at checking network connection. The code was thrown when trying to apply an update to be able to download a profile again. The update appeared to be working, but would fail out every time. Even clearing the cache from the hard drive didn't work. Looked around for a while before finally stumbling onto a solution.

To fix error code: 416B-0000-3080-0504-8007-0070 implement the following:

1. Open the disc tray.
2. Take out any game that is in it.
3. Pull out the power plug from the console.
4. Gently push the disc tray HALF-WAY back in, stopping before it fully closes.
5. Plug the Xbox 360 power cable back in.
6. Turn on the Xbox 360 allowing the disc tray to automatically close the rest of the way on its own.

After following the above steps, the console should then be able to update normally.

Logging onto Windows 7 Machine Locally

     Sometimes students have to log in locally at home from their devices. This can be troublesome when the domain is unavailable and they don't know the name of their computer that they have been issued.

Luckily, there is a fast fix for this.

For this example, we will assume that username: bob is trying to log into a computer named: laptop003

This would give the local computer name of: laptop003\bob

We can log in quicker by using this method. To log in locally on a Windows 7 machine using the example credentials from above:

In the username box you would just type: .\bob

Then you would input the password as normal and log in.

This method uses a full stop to cut down on the amount of information that needs entered. This is good for people

Fix PDF Files Printing as Blank Pages in Firefox

There has been times when an issue arises with Firefox pertaining to printing .pdf files. Whenever a .pdf file is viewed in Firefox by default it will open within Firefox in the .pdf preview view. You can then read it or download it if you wish. When going to print, some people are having the pages come out blank.

To fix this issue, in Firefox go to Options > Applications. Look on the left had side for all of the Adobe document choices:

You will then want to click on the Action side and chose Open with Adobe Reader and then hit OK. Then when a .pdf file is opened using Firefox it will automatically load in Adobe Reader. Printing will then work normally without printing blank pages.

Fast Command Prompt Opening in Windows

A quick way in Windows to open a command prompt in a given directory:

Simply type 'cmd' into the address bar and hit enter.

Type 'cmd' into the address bar and hit enter

This will pop up a command prompt for whichever directory path is in the address bar at the time of typing 'cmd' and hitting enter.

This is very useful as you won't have to go through and type the file paths out to get a command prompt at a particular directory.

Running Add-Remove Programs as Administrator

There are a lot of times when a program needs to be removed, but a limited account will not be able to do so. This technique makes it so you can run add-remove programs as an administrator without having to log out and back into the machine.

To do this, simply hold down the shift key and right click on the add-remove programs icon under the control panel and then chose 'run as'

This will allow you to fix things without having to log off.

Welcome to Coding With IT

     Hello and welcome to Coding With IT! This blog will be dedicated to posting technology related topics pertaining to: programming, IT, pc security, tech reviews, and more.